Primary Areas of Service


Expert Opinions

Our patented online second opinion platform delivers medical advice from our panel of 400+ world-class specialists. It's fast, reliable, and secure.


Care Facilities

We provide post-acute care for patients coming out of the hospital but still needing 24/7 medical care. We also have a range substance use detox and recovery facilities.


In-Home Care

We provide in-home care and remote patient monitoring for those needing ongoing assistance after post-acute care, as well as shut-ins and chronic care patients.

Whom We Serve

Managed Care Plans & Providers

SOE is uniquely positioned to assist managed care organizations with two of their biggest challenges:

  • Waste due to unnecessary referrals, procedures and hospitalizations.

  • Gaps or setbacks in the flow of care resulting in unnecessary ER visits and re-hospitalization.

Our online Expert Opinion Platform addresses the first challenge. The second challenge is addressed through our Care Facilities and In-Home Care Services.

Hospital Discharge Planners

Hospitals across the US lose millions of dollars per year due to legal and practical challenges in discharging patients who no longer require hospitalization but still require 24/7 care. SOE is working with hospital discharge planners to expedite placement of such patients into post-acute care facilities. This not only frees up hospital beds for those who truly need them; it also puts these patients into environments that are less institutional while being more suited to their specific care needs.

Employer-based Care Providers

Many companies are switching to a value-based care model using local and/or telemedicine provider networks contracted directly by the employer. The same challenges and solutions mentioned above under Managed Care Plans & Providers apply to these care providers as well.

Post-Acute Care Facilities

SOE is providing administrative services to a growing network of Congregate Living Health Facilities (CLHFs) in California. We work with hospital discharge planners to facilitate placement of hospitalized patents into these post-acute care facilities. We are also contracted by many of our CLHF facilities to provide a full suite of managerial and administrative services.

Substance Use Facilities and Programs

SOE is also serving a growing network of substance use facilities and programs, providing administrative and management services designed to facilitate quality and continuity of care.

Individual Patients

If you're an individual or family member seeking help with any of our services, we're happy to assist you, be it with getting a second opinion, finding a post-acute care or substance use facility or In-home care.

Our Mission

SOE’s mission is to provide innovative medical technology solutions to improve health care while reducing costs.

Our Values

At SOE we care most about three things 


We develop innovative technologies AND we apply them in practical ways.


It’s all about improving health care AND reducing costs.


Our Solution Platforms integrate expert medical advice AND strategic point-of-care delivery systems, empowering patients, practitioners, and payers to make informed decisions and coordinate care effectively.

Leadership Team and Key Advisors

Mohan Ananda, Ph.D., J.D.

Founder & Executive Chairman

Steven J. Krause, Esq.


Ajay Kumar Ananda, M.D.

Chief Medical Advisor

Dr. Steve Adams

Executive Vice President

Jay Kilberg

Senior Vice President of Operations

Michael Samadani

Senior Vice President of Sales and BD

Elisha Kamornick

President of Point-of-Care Services Division

Ash Dave, M.S.

Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer

Louis Lucido

Member of the Board

Dr. Venkatraman Sadanand

Strategic and Medical Advisor

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